Just a few screenshots from gnole farming for one of the WotG missions. Clave and I were out bonking Gnoles for a good hour or so and only saw one stupid claw drop, though we didn't have any TH to begin with.This unlucky dead sucker was nice enough to let me hack off a claw of his to use for the mission. We stopped after that for awhile but later that night, clave had gone out on his THF and farmed up two more for himself and Rydiah. Bastards have an awful drop rate :/ Said it took him another 30 minutes to get the remaining two.
But I do enjoy being able to mindlessly bonk things and this shot just had a lot of shinies from my Hexa Strike and such. With all my gear swaps it's hard to get a shot that shows the correct gear too, and well, this one's no exception lol. At least the Redingote is shown though since that swaps in for WS, but Optical Hat should've been on (unless I had forgotten it? Possibly.. was pretty tired and didn't have every bit of my armor with me). Because of teh gear swaps and all, a few other screenshtos I had tried to take didn't even have me in them sicne I blinked! lol Oh well :P At least my NPC, Kalokoko, was seen 9_9 Ripokeke is Clave's tomato taru NPC. Kalokoko is in full Seer's cuz at one point I had dat modded the Seer's set to be either a schoolgirl or a maid (had changed them intermittently). lol Dat modding taru clothing to gender-specific things is quite funny since both male and female taru share the same body XD So it's amusing to see little boys running around in skirts and the like :P
Friday, May 29, 2009
Claw Hunting
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hehe so I talked to Macchiato more today 00 he asked if I had anything to do with him being sent to Mordion Gaol last night... but I denied it to all ends ;o
To be honest, he's actually a pretty nice guy, but I still have to report him for being RMT :/ I do feel kinda bad for him - he's 21 years old without a home and this is his way to feed himself, but dude, he needs to find another way to make money. I do hope his RL gets better and he doesn't have to resort to RMT to push by and can actually progress in his life with a better job. I'm really surprised at how open he is with me, a normal American player <_>.. Probably a little too trusting for his own good since I had to STF him, but still.
He even said to me he was considering quitting or at least leaving Fairy server. ;o I told him to push Kingyrje's group to switch servers too lol. I do enjoy how he hates Kingy's group as much as I do and he deliberately camps against them because he hates em so much. Last night after being jailed he was so upset and bummed he purposefully Mijin Gakure'd and had his other char, Finish, Chainspell Raise, die, raise, die, raise, die over and over.
Maybe he's lonely and has no friends whcih is why he's so confiding in me? His English is rather good too - he said he only studied it for three years but his teacher taught him 6 years worth in that time so he was always #1 on the tests in his city. lol :x Also said he gets huge headaches staring at 3 computers all day (3 characters) so he actually hates camping lol so why RMT ijdk
Overall, RMT suck and still have to be reported and dealt with, but I'm glad there are some nice, non0jerky ones out there who aren't just robots camping and claiming and being schmucks. So sorry for your inevitable fate, Macchiato, but at least you're a nice guy (named Dong Wang lol)
Labels: Miscellaneous, RMT
Saturday, May 23, 2009
lmao RMT admitting he's RMT!? Plus, GM of pwn!
Oh boy... this has got to be one of the stupidest, gullible RMT out there...
lol flat out admitting in the log that he's RMT from China and know Kingyrje, Kylei, and Soegotme are too.. FABULOUS

Labels: Miscellaneous, RMT
Thursday, May 21, 2009
New Drawing

Photoshop CS2 + Wacom Intuos 3
Gear shown (for nerds):
- Marduk's Jubbah
- Blessed Trousers +1
- Cleric's Mitts +1
- Triumph Ring
- Toreador's Ring
- Brutal Earring
- Triumph Earring
- Blessed Pumps +1
- Mahatma Cape
- Mjollnir
Labels: Miscellaneous
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Hexa vs. Randgrith
Maikeru asked why I've been using Hexa over Randgrith in Dynamis. Well, Hexa Strike is just friggin broken. Six hit WS with crit mod! Can't get much better than that! 7 hits if /NIN and 8 if double attack kicks in, all with that crit bonus. Dynamis mobs are just kinda blegh in general as far as being able to churn out damage for me and was just looking for numbers the other night, which Hexa delivers moreso than Randgrith.
That is not to say that Randgrith is not a good weapon skill. It's only single hit, but /NIN gives another hit (I was /SCH in Dyna so no extra for me) and the -40EVA to the mob +20ACC aftermath on myself is plain awesome. But for Dynamis mobs, well, it's more useful on thiefy mobs and the like, but not really worth using if a THF has already tagged it with feint. The damage output may not be as stellar as Hexa Strike, but then again it isn't a multi-hit crit-modified WS. Attack would probably have more of an effect for Randgrith's overall damage (hence my Redingote's augments of +10 ATT and ACC)!
So is upgrading club kinda just like the reason MNKs upgrade Spharai? Ehhh kinda, cept Randgrith's a little more useful in my opinion with the Feint-ish effect and accuracy bonus. Though in a similar fashion to Spharai, Mjollnir is an incredible upgrade base damage0wise versus any other club, and the highest base damage of any single handed weapon in the game (discounting h2h since that factors in skill and other things -- just talking straight up base damage on the weapon itself). Mjollnir's base damage is 57. The highest damage rating club under that is the 46 that Brass Jadagna +1 has. A full difference of 11, so it definitely is quite the upgrade in that sense. Other relics damage rating versus second highest damage rating in their class seems to be just a difference of a few (2~5) so 11 is just plain crazy of an upgrade in that sense.
Other situations where Randgrith would be preferred to Hexa Strike is for long fights, where the -EVA/+ACC would be more helpful than say in Dynamis or Merit parties where the mobs die too fast to be worth it. Hexa would be a more viable option then to churn out the damage and keep kills fast. Also in situations where I've got high attack but low accuracy against a mob, Randgrith would be better to boost my accuracy and since attack has a more significant effect on a one-hit WS such as Randgrith as opposed to a multi-hit critical mod WS like Hexa Strike.
:D Does that help clear anythign up, Maikeru~? n_n So Randgrith has its uses in particular situations and Mjollnir is far more of a significant upgrade compared to other relics. The end! Now gimme yer Silvers, Maik >:/
Labels: WHM Meleeing Info
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hexa fun!
Bapped some pots today while in Fei'Yin just to see what I could whip out damage wise. This is with /SCH so I'd probably be able to easily break 2000 offhanding Perdu Wand as /NIN :o I'll have to test that out too. :D
Melee'd a bit in Dynamis-San d'Oria tonight as well, parsing neck-and-neck with the MNK and THF in my party (me 17%, them each 20%) which considering I still had to cure, haste, and auspice and such, isn't bad if I do say so myself ;o Used Meat Mithkabobs since I didn't have any accuracy food which is moreso what I need, and again, /SCH. Was fun, but as always with the seemingly forever-lasting that is Dynamis, got tired towards the end and didn't melee as much. Full cleared though as usual. Something like 340-ish coins for sponsor (too bad the sponsor wasn't me ; ; 40/70 M. Silvers towards Mjollnir!) I won't be able to sposnor a Sandy until next rotation which I believe starts late June ;_;... I have a Windurst sponsor coming up in a month though and will be planning to trade all the shells I get for bronze ^_^ so still progress!
Labels: Fights, WHM Meleeing Info
Friday, May 1, 2009
Three man Ouryu~
Trio'd Ouryu the other day no problem. Was a fun little challenge with just me, Clave, and Rydiah (NIN NIN BRD setup). The former time record was 14 minutes with 6 people so we laughed how we did it faster with just three :) Had a good stockpile of Mistmelts so the fight was cake! Fun times ^^
Labels: Fights