The second one was pretty decent, though slow starting -- went after bees in La Theine and dinged 80 in it, meleeing as WHM/DNC the whole time :D
Oh yes, which brings me to the fact that I SMN Burned my DNC all the way to 49 since DNC has Dual Wield now, and Reverse Flourish is pretty fun and I'm able to self chain with it and Kraken Club ^^ KC is just plain cheating with Drain Samba II as well, sapping back a decent amount of HP per round of bonks.
And in other news, which I made a brief emo post about upon finding out... not quite looking forward to the next two trials for Mjollnir... The first one involves 1500 more Randgrith killshots on amorphs. Ugh ;~; Painful.
And then 2000 killshots on Vermin... though the results are quite tasty :Q
Before even thinking about dabbling on my trials though, I've been helping Clave with his, which the first one is Arcana and I don't remember what his second is.. still have 800-something more to go for his first one before I'll bother dreading his second :P

And as far as another multihit Kraken alternative, I've started another club trial towards Naboot, though I haven't done the math yet to determine which final outcome to aim for for that yet. Still got a billion more trials for that before having to think too hard :> Plus uh, art major. I can't do the math anyway 9_x
And lastly, I'd like to give a little shout to those of you who read this, such as Karri! Who was so kind as to send me a tell today! :O Welcome to Slyph, Karri! Hope ya like it here! :D