Yahoo! After tonight's San d'Oria Dynamis run, Carion was willing to trade me 947 Bronze for 947 Shells, enabling me to finish super fast! Xtinae (who is almost done with Yoichinoyumi!) let me borrow the remainign 30 M. Silvers, and many many members of both my social LS and my Dynamis LS tagged along with me to The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah as I turned in all my currency and such to receive the first and only Mjollnir on Fairy server! Hell yeah! I didn't get much time to play with it though since I felt pretty awful and sick, but I'll have PLENTY of time from now on to mess around and bonk the hell out of things!

Took a bunch of screenshots, but here are just a few! Lots of fun group shots with LS friends :) Took uhhh many tries to get the motion synchs to be decent :P I was really happy though to have so many people come out for me ^^ Despite all the jokes they may make about me and my Club, I know they still have supported me the whole way through and well, even to me lolClub jokes are funny :P Because I've got the facts to strike it down! :D

Also, looking at the stats in the attendance spreadsheet for my Dynamis shell, I only ever bought 31 100s and probably got around that from all my sponsored runs. Most of my currency was purchased outside the shell, but still, having the privilege to sponsor and be able to purchase 100s cheap @ 500k helped speed along my progress. However, to any people who are considering sponsoring or are doing so now, you HAVE to be able to afford every 100 that drops on your runs AND be willing to buy a crap-ton of currency outside the shell, otherwise you'll never finish.

Good luck to the rest of the pwnED sponsors! Xtinae, you should be the next one done! Also I'm hoping Clave gets in as a sponsor soon too so he can upgrade his Ybow. He's already got Stage 3 and since we work together for gil, he'd be able to finish super fast ike I did! Money is of no issue, and money is exactly what ya need to upgrade a relic.

I told Harperu he was scary :<

I love leeches~ bonk bonk bonk!

Ba-da-da-daaaaaa! Mjollllnniiiirrrrrrr!
Gear info is detailed in an earlier post if ya care to see :) I don't settle for crappy gear >:O
Next Objectives!: Maat's Cap & Kraken Club (Purchase or BC)
Gear info is detailed in an earlier post if ya care to see :) I don't settle for crappy gear >:O
Next Objectives!: Maat's Cap & Kraken Club (Purchase or BC)
Grats! Again, I missed someone getting relic. Stupid internet. ;_;
wow gratz XD i can already see you'd make good use of it XD
gogo melee WHM lawl XD
congratulations on a epic piece!
screenshots and blog look really cool, a pleasure to watch and whm melee looks fun.
actually its mjöllnir though^^
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