I went WHM/NIN of course which deermined her job to be RDM/NIN but she didn't stand a chance. I Hexa'd the hell out of her and she only got me with two spells, Sleep II and Water III, when she used Chainspell.. and the Water III only did like 30 damage since I had stoneskin up and all too. I have her in Seer's gear because on my own laptop I used to have those DATs swapped with a cute schoolgirl uniform and I just haven't swapped em on this one yet.
In other news, I got my COR to 75, having taken it up with Clave's RNG for a nice boost with Hunter's Roll. It's a shame I'll never really get to use COR since I have relic/KClub WHM, but it was still fun to level nevertheless! Got to put my Cobra Harness to use and my full AF2 set and Denali Jacket after getting 75 in that awesome party ^^ Could have gotten a higher chain but we had to get going.

Lately, Clave and I have been helping our LS friend, Phatdade, with his Windurst missions and, now that he's switched to Bastok, those missions as well, so I took a few screenshots along the way of our records and Dade's silliness:

Clave and I have also been trioing Limbus runs lately since the group we were in stopped going and we still wanted some upgrade items for our main characters and for Rydiah. Already got the RNG pieces for Clave and one of the BRD pieces for Rydiah and a RDM for me in just the few runs we've been doing whenever we've got the chance. ^_^ Getting around 20 or so ABC's each run too which isn't a bad profit for just being able to beat up the Elementals and various Enhanced beasts in Temenos or Slimes, crabs, and bones in Apollyon! The challenge of pushing through it together has been pretty fun (even if we did have a bad run-in with Shiva that one time...)
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