All that Alchemy stuff is behind the folding screen in this pic, where the Behemoth statue is. I also have all my Chocobo Circuit trophies and the storyline trophies on display :D

Clave and I picked up our Matrimony bands/rings the other day too :D lol and he was on THF and didn't have an snazzy gear with him for screenshots >:(
Finished A Shantotto Ascension the other day as well with Clave, Cellfish, Boatsoap, and Klia, all from my social LS lolMatrixlol ^^ Was a fun final fight with THE best cutscene afterward lol but I won't spoil it for anyone! Go see it yourself XD Got myself the Tatsumaki Sitagoromo augmented with Haste+3 Accuracy +7 to be my new TPing pants on WHM meleeing :D
Been doing MMM a lot lately with Clave as I've said in the previous post when I got my Heron Ring and we get Brigand's Charts sometimes and both of us finally got our Penguin Rings from it ^_^ Yay. Still need to fish more though... fish fish fish..
Flame is my favorite asian.