Well, I figured it'd be kinda fun to show off my Mog House a bit ^_^ I'm a crap collector and my MH shows it :S;;; It's a lot like how my actual room is in terms of being pretty much packed with decoration and lots to look at~ I've got each of the various fish tanks, 3 Hobby Bo's, some eggies, my Emeralda from Alchemy and some miscellanous bottles in front of it to make it look more alchemisty.
All that Alchemy stuff is behind the folding screen in this pic, where the Behemoth statue is. I also have all my Chocobo Circuit trophies and the storyline trophies on display :D
Got my mannequin sporting Askar and some miscellanous gear I have lying around unused, looking at the Gold trophy and the Marriage Certificate above it ^^ Or maybe she's wondering why my fish disappear from the tank occassionally... You can kinda see my Christmas boot on the left side in the back... yanno, just in case Santaru decides to come early 8D
Clave and I picked up our Matrimony bands/rings the other day too :D lol and he was on THF and didn't have an snazzy gear with him for screenshots >:(
Finished A Shantotto Ascension the other day as well with Clave, Cellfish, Boatsoap, and Klia, all from my social LS lolMatrixlol ^^ Was a fun final fight with THE best cutscene afterward lol but I won't spoil it for anyone! Go see it yourself XD Got myself the Tatsumaki Sitagoromo augmented with Haste+3 Accuracy +7 to be my new TPing pants on WHM meleeing :D
Been doing MMM a lot lately with Clave as I've said in the previous post when I got my Heron Ring and we get Brigand's Charts sometimes and both of us finally got our Penguin Rings from it ^_^ Yay. Still need to fish more though... fish fish fish..
Flame is my favorite asian.
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