Sunday, December 13, 2009
Marduk Jubbah Set COMPLETE!
Started doing Salvage with my Linkshell back in about April (and had done a few runs prior with another group but never got 35s)and so now, 8 months later, I'm all done! Which ain't bad considering we only go Friday & Saturday and some nights had been cancelled. Unfortunately we haven't had as much with all the other sets, but we've managed to help others complete some pieces!
So now that I'm done with Marduk, I'll be going for Morrigan stuff without impeding on Cellfish's progress since that's his main focus set ^_^ I dun wanna be greedy so I've only been lotting the 25s and 35s he already had, or if he wasn't present for the run.
Nothin' else really going on that's new that I can think of -- Finished RNG to 66 for Maat's Progress and am currently working on PLD, which is currently 41. Also was the sync for the first SMN burn party I've done on my 13MNK and got it to 24 that way (200 from 25) :Q Sure is a convenient way to level jobs you don't care about! Sucks ass though if you do it for a job you want to take seriously since you'd be so super-gimped on skills unless you had em up from another job you leveled naturally. I'd love to do it again though given the chance :D
Labels: Gear, Maat's Cap, Salvage
Monday, December 7, 2009
Rollin' in Marduk & Fishing goodies!!
Had a very nice Bhaflau run this Saturday! The first Rampart was generous and gave me both 35 Marduk legs and 35 Morrigan hands and dropped a spare pair of 35 Marduk legs which nobody else seemed to want so we gave it to Rydiah. ^_^
And thus that completed #4 of 5 Marduk pieces! I'll be getting the 5th piece this weekend's SSR run since I suck and just need the 15 =X
I'll be focusing on Morrigan's afterward though not much priority on them since I don't use my RDM nearly as often as my WHM, but the pieces are still fabulous :Q
tra-la-la-la *prance prance in mah pantsu*
Now in Fishing News!
Clave and I both placed in this month's Fish Ranking contest and got our Pelican Rings!
Also after a bajillion Moblin Maze Monger runs, I finally got my Seagull Ring to couple with my Heron Ring I got not long ago as well! The drop rate as gathered by users on Wiki including myself is abyssmal -- ~3% Seagull, 7% Heron. But now finally both Clave and I have our sets :D
Also after a bajillion Moblin Maze Monger runs, I finally got my Seagull Ring to couple with my Heron Ring I got not long ago as well! The drop rate as gathered by users on Wiki including myself is abyssmal -- ~3% Seagull, 7% Heron. But now finally both Clave and I have our sets :D
But not only that, at around my ~30th Gugrusaurus, I got my Saber Shoot for Ebisu Rod! lol now at weenie level 50 Fishing, I just have to get to 78 to flag the quest and get the guild item and BAM! Ebisu!
And just some funny things :P
o_o interesting signature...
And I'm affectionately(?) called Club by Xti in my Dynamis shell and he thinks my bedsheets are ugly;~;
And a badass Fenrir shot from the most pwn CS in the game on the badass scale. The ASA final CS comes in first on the hilarious scale, but wow dude, do the WotG Windurst quests for this *_* Karaha-Baruha is my hero. O, well. And I guess all of Windurst's hero too :oa
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Tour and some new goodies

All that Alchemy stuff is behind the folding screen in this pic, where the Behemoth statue is. I also have all my Chocobo Circuit trophies and the storyline trophies on display :D

Clave and I picked up our Matrimony bands/rings the other day too :D lol and he was on THF and didn't have an snazzy gear with him for screenshots >:(
Finished A Shantotto Ascension the other day as well with Clave, Cellfish, Boatsoap, and Klia, all from my social LS lolMatrixlol ^^ Was a fun final fight with THE best cutscene afterward lol but I won't spoil it for anyone! Go see it yourself XD Got myself the Tatsumaki Sitagoromo augmented with Haste+3 Accuracy +7 to be my new TPing pants on WHM meleeing :D
Been doing MMM a lot lately with Clave as I've said in the previous post when I got my Heron Ring and we get Brigand's Charts sometimes and both of us finally got our Penguin Rings from it ^_^ Yay. Still need to fish more though... fish fish fish..
Flame is my favorite asian.
Labels: Drops, Miscellaneous
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Was given a nice surprise in last night's Zhayolm run! We mainly did the run for the sole purpose of getting Cellfish the 15 Morrigan hands he needed in order to finish 'em, but we met the requirements for my 5th Floor froggie and lo and behold! She actually dropped!
In other news! Clave and I have also been fishing a bunch as I mentioned in the last entry -- got ourselves some Lu Shang's and my fishing is currently 43 now and so we've been doing the newest Moblin Maze Mongers Voucher 08, Aquatic Depopulation Team to try to get some extra Brigand/Pirate's Charts as well as (mainly) the Seagull/Heron Rings added in the update. Clave's already got his ring set and we've been workign on mine but with no luck yet. Also been fishing up Bhefhel Marlins for the Inside the Belly quest and Clave got a few Pirate Charts the other day from his. And as ya can see from the screenshot, we got a Mercurial Kris on our very first one! Sold within like an hour for ~3.77M I think.
After doing the far-too-pansy-to-even-be-called-a-fight against Ramuh for ASA, I decided to solo Ramuh Prime as Whinja. Actually was a nice challenge because Shockspikes kinda pwned me with KClub when Stoneskin and Barthundra were down lol ;~; Stun ftl. He got me down to like 6HP at one point because of that, but I soon recovered and beat him down npnpnp
It seems I'm starting to gather a fanbase :O
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Well! Late last week Clave bought both of us Lu Shang Rods since he got em fairly cheap on AH, so we've been fishing a lot since then -- He's around 32 and I'm almost 29. Nothin' to boast about just yet, but I did come across an interesting scene at the Fishing Guild in Windurst...
It would seem that Babubu is to short to be able to sprinkle fish flakes into the tank so they all died.... Poor fishies ;~;

Nothing else really new in terms of gear (aside I guess from buying a Sniper's Ring +1 for my WHM melee set to use in conjunction with Toreador's), but been doing a lot of camping with these new NMs! Aiming mainly for the +12ACC 2 ring set as well as the HP/MP ones which would be a lovely replacement for Sniper's/Vivian's which take away my precious Taru HP and the +100HP overall would really help with my Sublimation pool too!
We fought Rapido a few days before the update -- nu drop of course. heck, no good drops off any of these NMs we fought below just yet aside from the STR thingy from Corrido, and another doohickey off Jenglot and a Likho Talon off Likho, whatever that's for.
In addition to all these, we also fought the Dyna-something Beetle in CN, Hyakinthos in Sauromugue [S], and Belladonna in Saruta [S]. Again, no noteworthy drops but we're gonna be persistant until we get them rings!
Labels: Gear, Miscellaneous, NMs, Salvage
Friday, October 23, 2009
Kyarutaru vs. Kalokoko FIGHT! + other crap
While doing FoV and helping Clave unlock Empyreal Arrow for his newly attained 75RNG, my NPC Kalokoko finally dinged 61 so I got to do possibly the most fun quest in the line of 'em! Fighting her one on one! It's kinda like a Maat fight 'cept versus my own personal midget -- I had to zoom in my camera in order to get good screenshots lol.
I went WHM/NIN of course which deermined her job to be RDM/NIN but she didn't stand a chance. I Hexa'd the hell out of her and she only got me with two spells, Sleep II and Water III, when she used Chainspell.. and the Water III only did like 30 damage since I had stoneskin up and all too. I have her in Seer's gear because on my own laptop I used to have those DATs swapped with a cute schoolgirl uniform and I just haven't swapped em on this one yet.
In other news, I got my COR to 75, having taken it up with Clave's RNG for a nice boost with Hunter's Roll. It's a shame I'll never really get to use COR since I have relic/KClub WHM, but it was still fun to level nevertheless! Got to put my Cobra Harness to use and my full AF2 set and Denali Jacket after getting 75 in that awesome party ^^ Could have gotten a higher chain but we had to get going.

Lately, Clave and I have been helping our LS friend, Phatdade, with his Windurst missions and, now that he's switched to Bastok, those missions as well, so I took a few screenshots along the way of our records and Dade's silliness:
Take that Tatzlwurm and Shadow Lord! Easily broken records with our small group! I melee'd against Shadow Lord but went RDM to Moon Reading, but having Clave there with his Amanomurakumo = rapeage in any situation.
I went WHM/NIN of course which deermined her job to be RDM/NIN but she didn't stand a chance. I Hexa'd the hell out of her and she only got me with two spells, Sleep II and Water III, when she used Chainspell.. and the Water III only did like 30 damage since I had stoneskin up and all too. I have her in Seer's gear because on my own laptop I used to have those DATs swapped with a cute schoolgirl uniform and I just haven't swapped em on this one yet.
In other news, I got my COR to 75, having taken it up with Clave's RNG for a nice boost with Hunter's Roll. It's a shame I'll never really get to use COR since I have relic/KClub WHM, but it was still fun to level nevertheless! Got to put my Cobra Harness to use and my full AF2 set and Denali Jacket after getting 75 in that awesome party ^^ Could have gotten a higher chain but we had to get going.

Lately, Clave and I have been helping our LS friend, Phatdade, with his Windurst missions and, now that he's switched to Bastok, those missions as well, so I took a few screenshots along the way of our records and Dade's silliness:

Clave and I have also been trioing Limbus runs lately since the group we were in stopped going and we still wanted some upgrade items for our main characters and for Rydiah. Already got the RNG pieces for Clave and one of the BRD pieces for Rydiah and a RDM for me in just the few runs we've been doing whenever we've got the chance. ^_^ Getting around 20 or so ABC's each run too which isn't a bad profit for just being able to beat up the Elementals and various Enhanced beasts in Temenos or Slimes, crabs, and bones in Apollyon! The challenge of pushing through it together has been pretty fun (even if we did have a bad run-in with Shiva that one time...)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Trio Triumphs!
Long time no post! Not much interesting over the past few weeks I suppose other than getting to Maat's Cap level, though today, Clave and I had some fun with trio challenges

And so we got the ring for Clave, which he would use on his DRK for the next fight!
Well, I suck and was too busy to take screenshtos during the fight, but I managed to get one at the end where Tenzen shamefully hung his head in defeat after we took him down in a little over three minutes, beating the former record of 3m26s held by 5 people, and we were just 3! Bwahahaha!
So now finally Rydiah has Sea access and can spend the Ancient Beastcoins we've been saving to get her Loquacious and Musical Earrings. Finally~ Also will be a good help to have her around when we low man farm Limbus with just us.
Next order of business is just more EXPing. I'm still hoping to aim for Maat's Cap but would also like to finish my COR to 75 (current 63 -- leveling together with Clave's RNG~). I've also been wanting to take advantage of the whole Astral Burn craze before SE figures out a way to nerf it so I can get my SMN up fast with little pain. Hopefully I can mooch in some SMN Burn parties on BLM too in that case.... I just want those dreadful jobs out of the way since I don't really have any desire to suffer through hours of lfg as a gimp WHM or undesirable old-fashioned nuker who has no place in the TP Burns of Today.
Until next time!
Labels: Fights, Kraken Club, Maat's Cap
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Updated WHM Melee setup
All right! Well.. the post from before with this info was from back when I only had stage 4! Update time!
This is for WHM/NIN while bearing Mjollnir & Kraken Club!
- Tiphia Sting (HP-25 Accuracy+2 Attack+2 Evasion-4)
- Walahra Turban (HP+30 MP+30 Haste+5%)
- Peacock Charm (Dark-10 Accuracy+10 Ranged Accuracy+10)
- Suppanomimi (AGI+2 Enhances "Dual Wield" effect Sword skill +5) (When /NIN)
- Brutal Earring (Enhances "Double Attack" effect "Store TP"+1) *If No KClub
- Swap: Minuet Earring (STR+1 DEX+1 Minuet: Accuracy +3)
- Swap: Diabolos's Earring (Accuracy+3 Dark weather: Accuracy-3 Magic Accuracy+2)
- Swap: Fenrir's Earring (Daytime: Attack+10 Nighttime: Ranged Attack+10)
- Goliard Saio (DEF:42 HP+42 MP+42 "Conserve MP"+5 Enmity-5 Haste+4% Set: "Magic Def. Bonus")
- Blessed Mitts +1 (DEF:19 MP+18 MND+8 Haste+6% Enmity-4)
- Sniper's Ring +1(Accuracy+7 Ranged Accuracy+7 DEF-12)
- Toreador's Ring (DEF:1 HP+10 Accuracy+7) ~3M
- Bellicose Mantle (DEF:3 HP-10 Attack+6)
- Swift Belt (Accuracy+3 Attack-5 Haste+4%)
- Tatsumaki Sitagoromo (DEF:31 INT+2 MND+2 CHR+2 Aug: Haste+3 Accuracy+7)
- Blessed Pumps +1 (DEF:15 MP+20 MND+4 Haste+3% Enmity-5)
Hexa Strike Swaps:
- Selenian Cap (DEF:19 MP+20 "Conserve MP"+3 WS Accuracy +15 STR+4 Attack+5 Accuracy+10)
- Light Gorget (Latent effect: Increases weapon skill accuracy and damage)
- Royal Redingote (DEF:40 MP+20 INT+5 MND+5 CHR+5 Aug: Attack+10 Accuracy +10)
- Triumph Earring (STR+2 Fire+11 Ice+11)
- Swap: Fenrir's Earring (Daytime: Attack+10 Nighttime: Ranged Attack+10)
- Healer's Mitts +1 (DEF:14 MP+15 STR+7 MND+7 Healing magic skill +15 Enmity-4)
- Marduk's Crackows (DEF:20 MP+3% MND+10 Enfeebling magic skill +5 String instrument skill +5 Summoning magic skill +5 Enmity-4 Set: Enhances "Fast Cast" effect)
- Royal Army Mantle (DEF: 9 STR+2 MND+2)
- Selenian Cap (DEF:19 MP+20 "Conserve MP"+3 Aug: WS Accuracy +15 STR+4 Attack+5 Accuracy+10)
- Breeze Gorget (Latent effect: Increases weapon skill accuracy and damage)
- Triumph Earring (STR+2 Fire+11 Ice+11)
- Swap: Fenrir's Earring (Daytime: Attack+10 Nighttime: Ranged Attack+10)
- Royal Redingote (DEF:40 MP+20 INT+5 MND+5 CHR+5 Aug: Attack+10 Accuracy +10)
- Healer's Mitts +1 (DEF:14 MP+15 STR+7 MND+7 Healing magic skill +15 Enmity-4)
- Rajas Ring (STR+2~5 DEX+2~5 "Store TP"+5 "Subtle Blow"+5)
- Triumph Ring (STR+5)
- Royal Army Mantle (DEF: 9 STR+2 MND+2)
- Potent Belt ( DEF:5 STR+3 Accuracy+8)
- Blessed Trousers +1 (DEF:33 MP+30 MND+7 Haste+4% Enmity-6)
- Marduk's Crackows (DEF:20 MP+3% MND+10 Enfeebling magic skill +5 String instrument skill +5 Summoning magic skill +5 Enmity-4 Set: Enhances "Fast Cast" effect)
Labels: Gear, WHM Meleeing Info
Marduk Crackows ゲットだぜ!!!

Yay! Finished my first piece of Marduk gear, Marduk Crackows! Thanks to everyone in Rub Club for helping me get these pwn bewts! They'll be in my enfeebling and divine sets mainly but I might have em in my standard base set for awhile just to show off... even though nobody can really see shoes on a taru to begin with....;-; And Clave calculated for me that the Marduk would be slightly better than Creek F Clomps for WSing by 1DMG & -4ENM versus the 2 Attack the Clomps have over it. Thanks for the numbers Clave!
And grats Cell on the 25 Morrigan's piece that ya missed out on the last time since you weren't there and I got em instead! lol but I'm glad you got em this time ^_^ You deserve it! Even though we only drag you as THF now ^^
Also did a bit of campaign the other day and just like taking screenies~ Which, honestly, the main point of this blog is because I like to post my pics haha and to show that I can be pretty effective as melee WHM and have tons of fun doing it! These two pictures were in mid-Hexas and were just cool poses while Clave and I obliterated the Yagudo forces.... though I did eat dirt quite a few times in FKN against the NM hahaha... we all did lol;;;
Well! We'll be doing another Salvage run tonight and I'll be updating this post if we're lucky enough to get anything more!
Labels: Drops, Gear, Kraken Club, Salvage
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Slavage, Art, and Vali's Bow!

Clave and I need to do a few assaults to scrape up some more points for future runs, but that's no problem for us anyhow. It's a nice change-up of pace and quick and easy to do RvB. Just run in, piss em all off, and run like hell while Clave slices down the leader super-fast lol.
YAAAYYYYYYYY lmao Clave and I just decided out of boredom to run up and check shadows. There were two other people up there but they were wandering around and then *Pop*! Claimed, killed, V.Bow! That saves us a good 4.5M for whenever I take my RNG up! Clave already has his :) But this is 1/1 trying for my own! Super-duper lucky and awesome!
In other news...~ New art!
It's a portion of the banner I did for which is elongated and much smaller than the size I worked at, so I wanted to make a separate piece from it to show the work put into it ^^~ Was a nice opportunity to draw my character of course and the other taru in the picture is kinda based off my friend Cellfish, though with a different hairstyle. And I just plain love leeches, titling this piece (With Clave's input!) "Leech Huggers". They're cute little monsters, all squishy and bouncy and I hope to be able to sew myself a Leech plushie once I have some freetime to do personal projects like that :3
Enjoy! And leave me comments so I know people are reading this ;__;
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Kupo Stuffs + Hexa Hat!

Chamber of Oracles fight! Everyone else died so well, I stepped in with my Mjollnir and finished Nanaa Mihgo off! Bwahahaha!The second run we did of this went a bit smoother :P No deaths at all and I didn't have to step in with my Hammer of Doom.

Kupenreich was kind of a dick, but we managed the second attempt just fine ^^ Clave died once, as did Flamedancer, but they utterly raped that Moogle down from the final 50% with a stunning 8102 Light Skillchain :O Was pretty awesome to see and a great relief to finish~
And Yay! I got my lovely Selenian Cap augmented with STR +4 WS Accuracy +10 and Attack +5, making it an ideal piece to use for my Hexa Strike build as well as good ol Randgrith and Mystic Boon, too! I'm very happy to have this beauty in my arsenal now -- much better than Optical Hat and Voyager Sallet for Hexa and Randgrith respectively.
Overall I rather enjoyed Moogle expansion, despite its tedious little tasks ya have to endure. But hell. Didn't have to do a damn tower run and that's definitely a plus in my book! ^_^
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