Sunday, August 30, 2009

Slavage, Art, and Vali's Bow!

Well! My Salvage group, the "Rub Club" (don't ask), has been doing fairly well lately and we got ourselves some drops in today's and yesterday's runs!  I got Macha's Pigaches and Bodb's Slops to pimp up my RDM once I complete the pieces, but that'll be for a few months yet until we move onto Arrapago and such.  Marduk stuff is still my main aim since that pertains to my WHM, but I would also like to have some nice pwnness for my RDM considering I already have 6/6 AF2, even though it's fairly rare for me to be on my RDM instead of my WHM -- but I want it to be awesomely geared for when I do have to use it!  

Clave and I need to do a few assaults to scrape up some more points for future runs, but that's no problem for us anyhow.  It's a nice change-up of pace and quick and easy to do RvB.  Just run in, piss em all off, and run like hell while Clave slices down the leader super-fast lol.

 YAAAYYYYYYYY lmao Clave and I just decided out of boredom to run up and check shadows.  There were two other people up there but they were wandering around and then *Pop*!  Claimed, killed, V.Bow!  That saves us a good 4.5M for whenever I take my RNG up!  Clave already has his :) But this is 1/1 trying for my own!  Super-duper lucky and awesome!

In other news...~ New art!
It's a portion of the banner I did for which is elongated and much smaller than the size I worked at, so I wanted to make a separate piece from it to show the work put into it ^^~ Was a nice opportunity to draw my character of course and the other taru in the picture is kinda based off my friend Cellfish, though with a different hairstyle.  And I just plain love leeches, titling this piece (With Clave's input!) "Leech Huggers".  They're cute little monsters, all squishy and bouncy and I hope to be able to sew myself a Leech plushie once I have some freetime to do personal projects like that :3

Enjoy!  And leave me comments so I know people are reading this ;__;

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kupo Stuffs + Hexa Hat!

Wellll~ My LS friends and I finally finished the A Moogle Kupo de'Etat missions today~  Spread out over the course of two tries however... we failed the first time due to bad luck :X  So screenshots are mainly from the first try.

Chamber of Oracles fight!  Everyone else died so well, I stepped in with my Mjollnir and finished Nanaa Mihgo off! Bwahahaha!The second run we did of this went a bit smoother :P  No deaths at all and I didn't have to step in with my Hammer of Doom.

Kupenreich was kind of a dick, but we managed the second attempt just fine ^^ Clave died once, as did Flamedancer, but they utterly raped that Moogle down from the final 50% with a stunning 8102 Light Skillchain :O  Was pretty awesome to see and a great relief to finish~
And Yay!  I got my lovely Selenian Cap augmented with STR +4 WS Accuracy +10 and Attack +5, making it an ideal piece to use for my Hexa Strike build as well as good ol Randgrith and Mystic Boon, too!  I'm very happy to have this beauty in my arsenal now -- much better than Optical Hat and Voyager Sallet for Hexa and Randgrith respectively.
Overall I rather enjoyed Moogle expansion, despite its tedious little tasks ya have to endure.  But hell. Didn't have to do a damn tower run and that's definitely a plus in my book! ^_^

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nyzul Goodies & Merit Allocation

My Salvage/Nyzul Isle Static group, dubbed "Rub Club" (lol don't ask..), did a bout of 4 Nyzul runs this past Saturday since some of the usual members weren't able to make it. We were just 5 people (4 players though! One dual boxed :3) and since I've got a Kraken Club now, I was able to melee ヽ(^◇^*)/ We were lucky enough on our first run to see a Denali Bonnet drop, which went to me ^^- Nothing on second run, and another Denali Bonnet on third run (which Boatsoap passed on so Rydiah the dual boxed char with no jobs to equip it got it ;_; I don't think Boatsoap has any jobs to equip it either, but at least he's not a BRD-bitch alt account hahah). The fourth fight we ran out of time at 1% HP on the Cerberus boss
Very fun overall and I'm very happy to have this Kraken Club to mess around with ♥ Heck, I meleed some of the time during last night's Dynamis-Windurst run even!

Also I decided to compile a char of my current merits with the help of how merits are displayed on the FFXIAH site for those who may be interested in what a melee WHM uses ^_^
All of the ones displayed are capped or at the stopping point of where I'll be meriting them with the exception of Enfeebling Magic, which I may or may not add more into, but I do play on meriting Enhancing and maybe Elemental Magic as well in that category.

Other future merits I have have planned to get are Lower Enmity, but I will have to wait until I am finished leveling Paladin before doing that one! And well, I guess I should also put a merit into Protectra V even though I don't find it to be worth it, but at least it's extra shinies :P And in the same category, I might put a few more merits into Shellra V (maybe more in Devotion but ehh not sure.. other important things to merit for now!) And don't worry for those who may be aching over my lack of RDM oriented merits -- I am always a WHM first, but I also don't like to be gimp on my other jobs ;o so more RDM merits in teh future as well as they may be permitted :>

Saturday, August 15, 2009

♥ K-k-k-KRAKEN CLUB! ♥

A few weeks shouting and 46M gil later... I finally got a Kraken Club!
^^ It's an early birthday gift from Clave to me (my birthday is Aug 21 :3) since it was his currency we sold in order to get the gil needed to afford it. ♥ So thank you veeerrrryyyy very very very verrrrrryyy much Clave ^___^

And so, after equipping the crazy club and switching to Whinja to dual wield it, I went out to do so campaign and give it some fun usage!BAP
This shot shows the club nicely ;o

Uhhhh RMT Faerie train!

Inevitable death by Behemoth ;___; lol the damn spikes ate me alive and then a Yagudo buttraped me by surprise.

And then since I had done so much campaign I was able to rank up to the Stars level, so I used my Allied Notes to get:

The Cobra Harness will be used primarily for my COR once it's up there ^_^ It's currently at around 64 I believe (YES I do have jobs other than WHM lol). And the Sturm's Report (which I can't help but pronounce it the same way as the Colbert Report :P) will be for landing enfeebling stuff on both my WHM and RDM. I didn't post a pic with stats but it's Magic Accuracy +2 for those who don't know~
I don't have enough AN just yet, but I plan on probably getting the Fourth Division Brunne in the future to use with my NIN (75), BST(68), and SAM(67). ^^ But no rush on that cuz that'll cost me something like 112,400 AN and I think I've only got about half that now after buying the Harness and Report.

Oh yeah, and I've had a lot of people ask about my Hexa and Mystic Boon damage so I'll be sure to take more screenshots int he future to post :D

Saturday, August 8, 2009

WHM Meriting with JP players!

Well! This was the first time I've merited in a long time and also the first time since I've finished my relic ^^ I looked for party and ended up being invited to a Japanese one. The leader initially had asked if I could come RDM, but I was able to convince 'em to let me stay as WHM ;o~

I was quiet for a little while, doing my normal haste cycles and curing and normal WHM duties... But well, that didn't last for too long before I started bonking stuff, regaining my MP through the Additional Effect of Mjollnir as well as spamming Mystic Boon and keeping Sublimation up -- havign a BRD and a COR in the party was a great help for restoring my MP as well :D ^_^ The Japanese players turned out to be pretty impressed with me... the BRD, Endlicheri, especially seemed to have taken a liking to my abilities xD

[04:32:23](Tifarno) 白かっこいいw (This WHM's so cool!)
[04:32:32](Goushu) いいねw (I know right lol)
[04:32:45](Endlicheri) うらやましいw (lol I'm jealous)
[04:33:11](Endlicheri) うまいなぁw (So skilled!)
[04:33:27](Endlicheri) ・White Mage・・Impossible to gauge・

But yay that was a pretty fun experience ^^ Hopefully next time Clave and I can start our own meripo and maybe give me a dedicated DD slot to just mess around with, though I personally don't mind how things were handled for this party either since I was still abel to keep up with my WHM duties as well without slowing us down :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Little Things Here & There~

Yay! This past Sunday's Dynamis-Beaucedine run was rather kind to me (despite my body not being too kinda -- had been sick with an upset tummy!) ^^ Won RDM body, making me 6/6 for all the RDM AF, including Duelist's Belt! I haven't yet updated my Spellcast to accomodate the body since I don't use my RDM but so often especially now that I have my Mjollnir, though I'd be more than happy to attend whatever as my RDM :) It may not be as pimped out as my WHM, but it's not ghetto by any means ^^ I still hold the most pride in my WHM gear and all my wonderful signed [Clave] gear on it <3>

Also! As you mighta noticed, I like to draw and such (Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration/Communication Arts)~ I had stayed down at Clave's place for 2 weeks in July and doodled up several sketches while I was there~ So I'll go ahead and share em here!~:

Kyaru versus Orc

^^ Kya and Clave~

Flamedancer getting mobbed by Bouncing Balls & Anaentar and his wyvern Ringo sipping some tea

Clave with his Amanomurakumo in his future fullset of Usukane~

Annnddd good ol Cellfish and Boatsoap... the goofy brothers who never fail to provide entertainment for the linkshell and during our Salvage runs together ^_^

Also been on a KClub hunt lately. With RL closing in on both Clave and I (particularly pressuring for Clave's case), he decided to bow out from his progress of upgrading Yoichinoyumi, and as an early birthday gift to me, is letting me use to gil made from selling all the currency he had saved up to get me a Kraken Club to Duel Wield with my Mjollnir. Neither of us will really have the time to be able to camp NMs as stalwartly as he wave been able to over the past few years, so being able to gain the gil to upgrade Ybow in any reasonable amount of time just didn't seem possible.:3 Thank you very much in advance, Clave~! ^^ Just need to find a seller who is willing to sell a club to me at a reasonable price (not ridiculously expensive like 50-60M :P Club isn't worth THAT much tbh) *cough* So if you're reading this and have a Club to sell or know someone who has one to sell, send me a message! I'm willing to negotiate!