Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ahoy Captain!

Woo! Got Captain rank the other day~ Did Khimaira last so took a group pic afterward. So now can just spam the crap out of Red vs. Blue to get Assault Points for Salvage.

Then got a pic of Clave in his Goblin costume holding his dagger up to poor Tarus hassling them for their gilz.Aaannndddd shiny dat mod for staves! Makes the world prettier.

Also, I'm 50/70 now for Mjollnir. :P Still can't convince Clave to let me 'borrow' the 19 M. Silvers he's got, hehe. but he doesn't enjoy those jokes anyway :/ Should be done by summer's end at least.. Next rotation for Sponsoring will starts oon and I'll be on San d'Oria so I'll be raking in the bronze faster then.