Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hexa vs. Randgrith

Maikeru asked why I've been using Hexa over Randgrith in Dynamis. Well, Hexa Strike is just friggin broken. Six hit WS with crit mod! Can't get much better than that! 7 hits if /NIN and 8 if double attack kicks in, all with that crit bonus. Dynamis mobs are just kinda blegh in general as far as being able to churn out damage for me and was just looking for numbers the other night, which Hexa delivers moreso than Randgrith.

That is not to say that Randgrith is not a good weapon skill. It's only single hit, but /NIN gives another hit (I was /SCH in Dyna so no extra for me) and the -40EVA to the mob +20ACC aftermath on myself is plain awesome. But for Dynamis mobs, well, it's more useful on thiefy mobs and the like, but not really worth using if a THF has already tagged it with feint. The damage output may not be as stellar as Hexa Strike, but then again it isn't a multi-hit crit-modified WS. Attack would probably have more of an effect for Randgrith's overall damage (hence my Redingote's augments of +10 ATT and ACC)!

So is upgrading club kinda just like the reason MNKs upgrade Spharai? Ehhh kinda, cept Randgrith's a little more useful in my opinion with the Feint-ish effect and accuracy bonus. Though in a similar fashion to Spharai, Mjollnir is an incredible upgrade base damage0wise versus any other club, and the highest base damage of any single handed weapon in the game (discounting h2h since that factors in skill and other things -- just talking straight up base damage on the weapon itself). Mjollnir's base damage is 57. The highest damage rating club under that is the 46 that Brass Jadagna +1 has. A full difference of 11, so it definitely is quite the upgrade in that sense. Other relics damage rating versus second highest damage rating in their class seems to be just a difference of a few (2~5) so 11 is just plain crazy of an upgrade in that sense.

Other situations where Randgrith would be preferred to Hexa Strike is for long fights, where the -EVA/+ACC would be more helpful than say in Dynamis or Merit parties where the mobs die too fast to be worth it. Hexa would be a more viable option then to churn out the damage and keep kills fast. Also in situations where I've got high attack but low accuracy against a mob, Randgrith would be better to boost my accuracy and since attack has a more significant effect on a one-hit WS such as Randgrith as opposed to a multi-hit critical mod WS like Hexa Strike.

:D Does that help clear anythign up, Maikeru~? n_n So Randgrith has its uses in particular situations and Mjollnir is far more of a significant upgrade compared to other relics. The end! Now gimme yer Silvers, Maik >:/