Saturday, May 23, 2009

lmao RMT admitting he's RMT!? Plus, GM of pwn!

Oh boy... this has got to be one of the stupidest, gullible RMT out there...

lol flat out admitting in the log that he's RMT from China and know Kingyrje, Kylei, and Soegotme are too.. FABULOUS


^^^^^^^^^^ The important info^^^^^^^^^^^^

But yeah anyways, please report Kingyrje, Soegotme, Kylei, Macchiato, and Finish to the Special Task Force :) They're all RMT (Finish is Maccihato's other char). Macchiato's nice and all but well, sorry dood, yer fkn up my game too! lol Good way to end tonight before bed ;o~


Anonymous said...

Great, these RMT are now on my server. Kingyrje, and Soegotme can be found @ Serket and Cassie... and during off time of those..Quicksand Caves. GM time.~! go go go

Kyarutaru said...

lmao that's.... well, really funny wow. There's still a Kingyrje on my server, but Soegotme and Kylei have been gone for a few months now. They don't bother us anymore. They would do Cassie, Serket, and QC as well! Now there is a new set of RMT THF WHM NIN named Smallove, Yunoki, and Berond. They've left us alone at Cassie at least. What's even better is that they joined a nab HNM shell even >_> and the leader is too much of an idiot to know :x

Anonymous said...

They are on Alexander Server now. They farm in Qucksand caves all day long, and also kill Cassie.
They've figured out that their operation is sucking badly because they don't have a thief. (apparently he was banned on the last serever these guys came from). Anyway Soegotme is now PLing Kingyrje during the day now, (when not farming) getting his thief high enough to become a treasure Hunting gil selling whore. Sadly its going to take awhile before their operation probably catches the eyes of any GM's. They are not getting alot of drops on Cassie without TH. Hopefually once the gil selling starts up, GM's will clue into what's going on.

Kyarutaru said...

Yeah, I searched their names on thew FFXIAH site. But yeah that's totally them. Kylei was their THF, another account of Soegotme's. According to another RMt, Machiatto, Kingy & Soe are brothers in another company. It is kidn aodd though since Kingyrje is still on Fairy as well. That was taken earlier this month